Welcome to Learning Forward Minnesota
One year in: Leading and teaching with the standards
Upcoming Events
Learning Forward builds the capacity of its members, clients, partners, and staff to establish and sustain effective professional learning.
Affiliate at a glance
Letter from the president
Welcome to the Learning Forward Minnesota (LFMN) website! Our organization exists because we believe high-quality professional learning is the key to equitable student learning through effective teaching and leading. We invite all Minnesota educators to participate in our organization and to partner with us as we strive to be leaders of learning. We are committed to enacting the vision, mission and, beliefs of our parent organization, Learning Forward.
As educators, we are driven to
- develop and sustain learning communities that thrive upon collective efficacy
- advance the understanding of high-quality professional learning and implementation of those practices throughout Minnesota
- build the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning
- provide learning opportunities for educators to promote the use of the Standards for Professional Learning
The Standards for Professional Learning serve as the backbone of a high-quality system of professional learning. Learning Forward has developed a variety of tools to support the implementation of the standards. Read Frederick Brown’s most recent blog post to learn more.
The Learning Forward MN Board desires to bring more educators into our organization. We would love to hear from you! What are topics of learning you would like to investigate? Who are the learning leaders you are following? What might you be interested in sharing with our learning community? We encourage you to participate in the learning and networking opportunities provided by LFMN.
Please visit our website often to learn about upcoming events, news, and tools to support professional learning. Visit our membership page or contact a board member to learn more about the benefits of membership for you.
Jill Kind
President, Learning Forward Minnesota
Get Involved!
Join our Events!
Network with colleagues, enjoy collaborative professional learning, and increase your leadership capacity with these upcoming events. Learning Forward conferences give evidence-based research and practical strategies to empower you and your peers to achieve excellent results.
Resources for teachers!
Search our repository of resources on developing leader capacity for building high-quality professional learning systems that lead to Hundreds of learning, teaching, and leadership titles will inspire you, expand your knowledge, and help you develop the skills to support student success.
Become a Member
Network with colleagues who are enthusiastic about improving their skills, staying up to date on the latest knowledge and trends, and building leadership capacity.